CV Michael Storrie-Lombardi, M.D.
1 (626) 379-9331
1993-1996, Harrison Watson Scholar, Clare College, University of Cambridge, UK
1964-1968 Doctorate of Medicine, University of Florida, College of Medicine , USA
1961-1964 Bachelor of Arts (Honors Program) Physics, Florida State University , USA
Executive Director, Kinohi Institute
Development of infrared Raman spectroscopy instruments and techniques for detecting breast cancer during surgical intervention - collaborative project with the Department of Surgery, City of Hope Cancer Research Institute.
Development of rover-compatible instruments for the autonomous, non-destructive, in situ detection of optical biosignatures (Rayleigh and Raman scattering, fluorescence emission, and homochirality) in caves on Earth, Moon, and Mars. For more information on engineering and physics student participation in this project go to “Students Use Lasers to Find Life on Other Planets”.
Modeling virus-mediated horizontal gene transfer and mutation during long duration human spaceflight or the evolution of recurrent viral pandemics.
Investigating the impact of global warming and overpopulation on the emergence, spread, and evolution of antimicrobial resistance.
Senior Editor, Astrobiology, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. publishers.
Development of Senior Engineering Clinic astrobiology projects at Harvey Mudd College.
Introductory course in Astrobiology at Harvey Mudd College: Astronomy 21 - Stars, Planets, Life: Astrobiology.
A Sparkling Sciences project with colleagues at the University of Innsbruck to introduce pre-high school children to the use of advanced technology to monitor the impact of global warming on the Earth's cryosphere.
Constructing an inexpensive "forensic" astrobiology field kit for identifying metabolic biosignatures.
Investigating information content of the metagenome and horizontal gene transfer in archeal, eubacterial, eukaryotic and viral genomes including bacteriophage in antarctic alkaline lakes. Collaborators: S. Williamson & K. Nealson, J. Craig Venter Institute; R. Hoover, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center; A. Bej, U. of Alabama, Birmingham).
Monitoring alkaline lake microbial community response to seasonal changes using both in situ and remote sensing techniques with particular focus on virus-mediated horizontal gene transfer between microbial species. This is part of a National Science Foundation Microbial Observatory project at Soap Lake, Washington led by H. Pinkart, Central Washington University.
Developing stochastic probabilistic techniques to identify elemental abundance biosignatures (K. H. Nealson, University of Southern California) in deep ocean subsurface basalts (M. R. Fisk, Oregon State University), and extant or fossil cyanobacteria (R. B. Hoover, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center).
Investigating the impact of microbial life on the volcanic basalts of Mauna Kea deep (1.3 km) below Hilo Bay. (M. R. Fisk, University of Oregon)
Remote and In Situ detection of aqueous and biotic alteration in Archean regions of NW Australia (M. Walter and A. Brown, Australian Astrobiology Centre, McQuarie University, Sydney Australia).
Developing complexity analysis techniques including simple lossless compression algorithms and 3D imaging techniques to produce a metric for assessing the biogenicity of ancient stromatolites and estimating the degree of diagenic alteration in fossils. (S. Awramik, University of California at Santa Barbara; A. Tsapin, JPL/Caltech, Pasadena).
Using UV fluorescence techniques to detect microbial life in halide inclusions (M. Mormile, University of Missouri-Rolla).
Employing cluster analysis techniques to define an optimal life detection instrument package for in situ exploration of the Mars surface and sub-surface environments .
Developing cluster analysis and artificial neural network techniques to identify amino acid (G. D. McDonald, University of Texas at Austin) and elemental abundance (M. R. Fisk, Oregon State University) biosignatures in meteorites.
Investigation of artificial sports surfaces in Southern California as extreme environments. Describing the fundamental physics and biochemistry of acute and chronic injury on rigid, high temperature (160oF) surfaces such as tennis courts and football fields in the presence of acute electrolyte imbalance.
Kinohi Institute, 2003-present: Dr. Storrie-Lombardi is the Executive Director of the Kinohi Institute, a private non-profit research facility devoted to investigation of advanced technology for the detection and characterization of life in extreme environments including documentation of the metagenomes of fragile ecosystems. The Institute is particularly interested in the development of mathematical techniques for identifying horizontal gene transfer and optical techniques to detect chemical and structural signatures of life in a mineral or water matrix. The Institute supports the application of these techniques to tasks such as detection of shifts in ocean or ice biomass as a function of global warming, monitoring bioremediation of hydrocarbon contamination in fragile ecosystems such as Antarctica, and searching for life in the polar ice of Mars, the ice moons of the outer planets, and exoplanets.
Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA 2010-2019: Taught introductory course in Astrobiology and the origin of life. Supervised summer research and Physics/Engineering Clinic students in construction and deployment of cameras and spectrometers for detection of life in lava tubes or identification of tumor cells during surgical intervention (City of Hope, Department of Surgery).
Jet Propulsion Laboratory/California Institute of Technology, 1996-2003: Project Leader for the Astrobiology Deep UV Laser Imaging and Spectroscopy Laboratory. Dr. Storrie-Lombardi led the development of UV Raman spectroscopy, UV laser induced native fluorescence imaging, and Bayesian pattern matching data analysis tools. The devices were specifically designed for the rapid detection of microbial life during in situ exploration or Mars, Mars sample return, planetary protection, environmental monitoring of the International Space Station, and field detection of spores for counter bioterrorism. For the 1998-1999 academic year he was the Project Liaison for a Harvey Mudd College (HMC) Senior Engineering Clinic. The HMC team (Mark Delsman, Hamish Eisler, Jonathan Engel, Avi Geiger, Christopher Kalima, and HMC faculty advisor Philip Cha) designed and built a robotic Zodiac to acquire pH, salinity, temperature, and chlorophyll depth profiles of highly alkaline Mono Lake, High in the Sierra Nevada mountains. The HMC Clinic Program annually accepts contracts from NASA, NOAA, and the aerospace industry to build cutting edge instrumentation to explore extreme environments and support human and robotic space missions.
Harrison Watson Scholar, Clare College, University of Cambridge and Research Associate, Institute of Astronomy, 1991-5, Cambridge, England: Investigation of non-linear neural network and multivariate analysis algorithms for automatic Bayesian classification of galaxy images. stellar spectra, and genomic exon/intron sequences.
Vice-President, Chrysalis Technologies, Inc. 1981-1991, Seattle, WA: Director of R&D for medical database and artificial intelligence software development.
Private Medical Practice, 1980-1991, Seattle, WA.
Associate Clinical Professor, University of Washington School of Medicine , 1980-1991.
Assistant Professor, University of Washington School of Medicine, 1977-1980.
Post-doctoral Residency, University of Washington School of Medicine, 1973-1977.
Hyperbaric Medicine, Saturation Diving & Submarine Medical Officer, U. S. Navy , 1970-1973.
Medical/Surgical Advisor, U. S. Army, Vietnamese Provincial Hospital, Bac Lieu, South Vietnam, 1969-1970.
Medical/Pediatric Internship, Emory/Grady Memorial Hospital, Atlanta, Georgia, 1968-9.
Surgical Extern, Bibanga Presbyterian Leprosy Hospital , Bibanga, Sud Kasai, Congo, Africa, 1967.
Bronze Star, Bac Lieu, South Vietnam, 1970.
National Science Foundation Antarctic Service Medal 2009
United States Navy, 1970-1973
United States Army, 1969-1970
American Association for the Advancement of Science
American Society of Microbiology
International Society for the Study of the Origin of Life
Ojakangas, G. W.; Awramik, S. M.; Storrie-Lombardi, M. C., Stromatolite photomorphogenesis: lighting up their shape. International Journal of Astrobiology 2023, 22 (1), 33–56.
Kothari R, Jones V, Mena D, Reyes VBd, Shon Y, Smith JP, Schmolze D, Cha PD, Lai L, Fong Y and Storrie‐Lombardi MC. Raman spectroscopy and artificial intelligence to predict the bayesian probability of breast cancer. Scientific Reports 2021; 11: 11:6482. DOI:
Kothari R, Fong Y and Storrie-Lombardi MC "Review of laser Raman spectroscopy for surgical breast cancer detection: Stochastic backpropagation neural networks." Sensors 20, 1-20 DOI: doi:10.3390/s20216260, (2020).
Weisleitner, K., Hunger, L., Kohstall, C., Frisch, A., Storrie-Lombardi, M. C., Sattler, B., (2019) Laser-induced fluorescence emission (L.I.F.E.) as novel non-invasive tool for in-situ measurements of biomarkers in cryospheric habitats. J. Vis. Exp. 152, e60447.
Zúñiga, W. C.; Jones, V.; Anderson, S. M.; Echevarria, A.; Miller, N. L.; Stashko, C.; Schmolze, D.; Cha, P. D.; Kothari, R.; Fong, Y.; Storrie-Lombardi, M. C. (2019) Raman spectroscopy for rapid evaluation of surgical margins during breast cancer lumpectomy. Scientific Reports 9 (1), 14639.
Ruiz, A., Messenger, S., Yang, J., Yim, S.; Paudel , S., Huerta, L., Villegas, J., Zúñiga, W., Lyzenga, G., Clark, C., Storrie-Lombardi, M. (2014) Rovers and Lasers: The Autonomous, Non-Destructive Search for Life in Lava Tubes [#1478], Eighth International Conference on Mars, Pasadena, CA, Pasadena, CA; p 2.
Huang, X., J. Yang, M. Storrie-Lombardi, G. Lyzenga and C. M. Clark (2016). Multi-robot Mapping of Lava Tubes. Field and Service Robotics: Results of the 10th International Conference. D. S. Wettergreen and T. D. Barfoot. 113: 471-486.
Groemer, G., B. Sattler, K. Weisleitner, L. Hunger, C. Kohstall, A. Frisch, M. Jozefowicz, S. Meszynski, M. Storrie-Lombardi and M. Team (2014). "Field Trial of a Dual-Wavelength Fluorescent Emission (LIFE) Instrument and the Magma White Rover during the MARS2013 Mars Analog Mission." Astrobiology 14(5): 391-405.
Dartnell, L. R., M. R. Patel, M. C. Storrie-Lombardi, J. M. Ward and J.-P. Muller (2012). "Experimental determination of photostability and fluorescence-based detection of PAHs on the Martian surface." Meteoritics & Planetary Science 47(5): 806-819.
Storrie-Lombardi, M.C., Hall, A.P., Hang, S., Lyzenga, G.A., Clark, C.M., Sattler, B.I., Bej, A.K. and Hoover, R.B. (2011) Spectral Profiling & Imaging (SPI): Extending L.I.F.E. technology for the remote exploration of life in ice Caves (R.E.L.I.C.) on Earth and Mars. Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology XIV 8152 (17), 1-12.
Dartnell, L.R., Storrie-Lombardi, M.C., Mullineaux, C.W., Ruban, A.V., Wright, G., Griffiths, A.D., Muller, J.-P. and Ward, J.M. (2011) Degradation of Cyanobacterial Biosignatures by Ionizing Radiation. Astrobiology 11: 997-1016.
Gowen, R.A., Smith, A., Fortes, A.D., Barber, S., Brown, P., Church, P., Collinson, G., Coates, A.J., Collins, G., Crawford, I.A., Dehant, V., Chela-Flores, D., Griffiths, A.D., Grindrod, P.M., Gurvits, L.I., Hagermann, A., Hussmann, H., Jaumann, R., Jones, A.P., Joy, K.H., Karatekin, O., Miljkovic, K., Palomba, E., Pike, W.T., Prieto-Ballesteros, O., Raulin, F., Sephton, M.A., Sheridan, S., Sims, M., Storrie-Lombardi, M.C., Ambrosi, R., Fielding, J., Fraser, G., Gao, Y., Jones, G.H., Kargl, G., Karl, W.J., Macagnano, A., Mukherjee, A., Muller, J.P., Phipps, A., Pullan, D., Richter, L., Sohl, F., Snape, J., Sykes, J. and Wells, N. (2011) Penetrators for in situ sub-surface investigations of Europa. Adv. Space Res. 48: 725 - 742.
Groemer, G.E., Storrie-Lombardi, M., Sattler, B., Hauser, O., Bickert, K., Hauth, E., Hauth, S., Lugerb, U., Schildhammer, D., Foegerb, D. and Klauck, J. (2011) Reducing biological contamination by a spacesuited astronaut: Laboratory and field test results from Aouda.X. Acta Astronautica 68 (1-2): 218–225.
Sattler, B., M.C. Storrie-Lombardi, C.M. Foreman, M. Tilg, and Psenner, R. (2010) Laser induced fluorescence emission (L.I.F.E.) from Lake Fryxell cryoconites. Annal. Glaciol., 2010. 51(56): p. 145-152.
Cousins, C.R., Griffiths, A.D., Crawford, I.A., Prosser, B.J., Storrie-Lombardi, M.C., Davis, L.E., Gunn, M., Coates, A.J., Jones, A.P. and Ward, J.M. (2010) Astrobiological considerations for the selection of the geological filters on the ExoMars PanCam instrument. Astrobiology 10(9): 933-951.
McDonald, G.D. and Storrie-Lombardi, M.C. (2010) Biochemical constraints in a protobiotic Earth devoid of basic amino acids: The ‘‘BAA(-) World’’ Astrobiology 10(10): 933-951.
Dartnell, L.R., Storrie-Lombardi, M.C., and Ward, J.M. (2010) Complete fluorescent fingerprints of extremophilic and photosynthetic microbes. Int. J. Astrobio. 9(4): 245–257.
Storrie-Lombardi, M.C., Muller, J.-P., Fisk, M.R., Cousins, C., Sattler, B., Griffiths, A.D. and Coates, A.J. (2009) Laser induced fluorescence emission (L.I.F.E.): searching for Mars organics with a UV-Enhanced PanCam. Astrobiology 9(10): 953-964.
Storrie-Lombardi, M.C. and Sattler, B. (2009) Laser induced fluorescence emission (L.I.F.E.): Detection of microbial life in the Ice covers of Antarctic lakes. Astrobiology 9(7): 659-672.
Storrie-Lombardi, M.C., Muller, J.P., Fisk, M.R., Griffiths, A.D. and Coates, A.J. (2008) Potential for non-destructive astrochemistry using the ExoMars PanCam. Geophys. Res. Ltrs. 35(12): L12201, doi 12210.11029/12008GL034296.
Benison, K.C., Jagniecki, E.A., Edwards, T.B., Mormile, M.R. and Storrie-Lombardi, M.C. (2008) "Hairy Blobs:" Microbial Suspects Preserved in Modern and Ancient Extremely Acid Lake Evaporites. Astrobiology 8(4): 807-822.
McDonald, G. D. and Storrie-Lombardi, M. C. (2006) Amino acid distribution in meteorites: diagenesis, contamination, and standard metrics in the search for extraterrestrial biosignatures. Astrobiology 6, 17-33.
Fisk, M. R., R. Popa, O. U. Mason, M. C. Storrie-Lombardi and Vicenzi, E. P. (2006) Iron-magnesium silicate bioweathering on Earth (and on Mars?). Astrobiology 6, 48-68.
Storrie-Lombardi and Fisk, M. R. (2004) Elemental abundance distributions in sub-oceanic basalt glass: evidence of biogenic alteration. Geochem. Geophys. Geosys. 5 (10), 1-15, Q10005, doi:10.1029/2004GC000755.
Fisk, M. R., Storrie-Lombardi, M.C., Douglas, S., McDonald, G.D., Popa, R. (2004) Evidence of biological activity in Hawaiian subsurface basalts. Geochem. Geophys. Geosys. 4, 1-24.
Storrie-Lombardi, M. C., Corsetti, F. A., Grigolini, P., Ignaccolo, M., Allegrini, P., Galatolo, S. and Tinetti, G. (2004) Complexity analysis to explore the structure of ancient stromatolites. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 20(1): 138-145.
Dorn, E. D., McDonald, G. D., Storrie-Lombardi, M. C., and Nealson, K. H. (2003) Principal component analysis and neural networks for detection of amino acid biosignatures. Icarus 166 (2): 403-409,.
Nealson, K.H., A. Tsapin, and M. Storrie-Lombardi. (2002) Searching for life in the Universe: unconventional methods for an unconventional problem. Int. Microbiol. 5:223-230.
Storrie-Lombardi, M. C., Hug, W. F., McDonald, G. D., Tsapin, A. I. and Nealson, K. H. (2001) Hollow cathode ion lasers for deep ultraviolet Raman spectroscopy and fluorescence imaging. Rev. Sci. Ins. 72:(12), 4452-9.
Lahav O., Naim A., Sodre L., and Storrie-Lombardi M. C. Neural computation as a tool for galaxy classification: Methods and examples. Mon. Not. Roy. Astro. Soc. 283: (1) 207-221.
Naim, A., Lahav, O., Sodre, L., Storrie-Lombardi, M.C. (1996) Automated morphological classification of APM galaxies by supervised artificial neural networks. Mon. Not. Roy. Astro. Soc. 283: (1) 207-221, 1995.
Lahav, O., Naim, A., Buta, R.J., Corwin, H.G., de Vaucouleurs, G., Dressler, A., Huchra, J.P., van den Bergh, S., Raychaudhury, S., Sodre Jr., L., and Storrie-Lombardi, M.C. (1995) Galaxies, human eyes and artificial neural networks. Science 267, 859-861.
Storrie-Lombardi, M. C., Irwin, M., von Hippel, T., and Storrie-Lombardi, L. J. (1994) Spectral classification with PCA and artificial neural networks. Vistas in Astronomy 38, 331-340.
VonHippel, T., Storrie-Lombardi, L. J., Storrie-Lombardi, M. C., Irwin, M. J. (1994) Automated classification of stellar spectra: Initial results with artificial neural networks. Mon. Not. Roy. Astro. Soc. 269: (1) 97-104.
Storrie-Lombardi, M. C., Lahav, O., Sodre, L., and Storrie-Lombardi, L. J. (1992) Morphological classification of galaxies by artificial neural networks Mon. Not. Roy. Astro. Soc. 259, 8-12.
Ward, N. G., Doerr, H. O. & Storrie, M. C. (1983) Skin conductance - a potentially sensitive test for depression. Psychiat. Res. 10, 295-302.
Doerr, H. O. & Storrie, M. C. (1982) Neuropsychological testing in the Peoples Republic of China: the Halstead-Reitan Seattle Changsha project. Clin. Neuropsych. 4, 49-51.
Storrie, M. C., Doerr, H. O. & Johnson, M. H. (1981) Skin conductance characteistics of depressed subjects before and after therapeutic intervention. J. of Nerv. & Men. Dis. 3, 176-179 .
Storrie, M. C. & Doerr, H. O. (1980) Characterization of Alzheimer type dementia utilizing an abbreviated Halstead-Reitan battery. Clin. Neuropsych. 2, 78-82.
Maxim, P. E. & Storrie, M. C. (1979) Ultradian bar pressing for rewarding brain stimulation in Rhesus monkeys. Physiol. and Behav. 22, 683-687.
Storrie, M. C., Scher, M., McGuire, J. and Bokan, J. (1978) Thrombocytopenia in absence of leukopenia associated with use of neuroleptics. J. of Clin. Psychiat. 39, 779-781.
Storrie, M. C., Sphar, R. L., Sawyer, R. N. and Evans, A. S. (1976) Seroepidemiological studies of Polaris submarine crews 2. infectious mononucleosis. Mil. Med. 14, 30-32.
Storrie-Lombardi, M.C. and Williamson, S. (2009) Possible role of bacteriophage-mediated horizontal gene transfer on microbial adaptation to environmnetal stressors in polar ecosystems. In Polar Microbiology: The Ecology, Biodiversity and Bioremediation Potential of Microorganisms in Extremely Cold Environments. A. K. Bej, J. Aislabie and R. M. Atlas. London, Taylor and Francis: 179-200.
Gerakines, P.A. and Storrie-Lombardi, M.C. (2009) Sources of organic matter for the Archean cryosphere. In Polar Microbiology: The Ecology, Biodiversity and Bioremediation Potential of Microorganisms in Extremely Cold Environments. A. K. Bej, J. Aislabie and R. M. Atlas. London, Taylor and Francis: 201-214.
Sattler, B. and Storrie-Lombardi, M.C. (2009) L.I.F.E. in Antarctic lakes. In Polar Microbiology: The Ecology, Biodiversity and Bioremediation Potential of Microorganisms in Extremely Cold Environments. A. K. Bej, J. Aislabie and R. M. Atlas. London, Taylor and Francis: 95-114.
Storrie-Lombardi, M.C. and Lahav, O. (1995) Neural network applications to Astronomy. In The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks. M. A. Arbib. Cambridge, MA, MIT Press.
Raskind, M.A. and Storrie, M.C. (1980) Organic mental disorders. In Handbook of Geriatric Psychiatry. E. Busse and D. Blazer. New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold.
Storrie-Lombardi, M.C. and Sattler, B. (2009) Laser-induced fluorescence emission (L.I.F.E.): Laser illuminates life in ice. SPIE Newsroom:
Hoover, R. B., Pikuta, E. V., Townsend, A., Anthony, J., Guisler, M., McDaniel, J., Bej, A. & Storrie-Lombardi, M. C. (2008) Microbial extremophiles from the 2008 Schirmacher Oasis Expedition: preliminary results. Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology XI, 7097, L1-12, DOI: 10.1117/12.801018.
Storrie-Lombardi, M. C., Muller, J.-P., Fisk, M. R., Griffiths, A. D., Coates, A. J. & Hoover, R. B. (2008) in Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology XI 7097 (25): P1-10, DOI: 10.1117/12.800924.
Storrie-Lombardi, M. C. and Pinkart, H. C. and (2007) Co-evolution of cyanophage and cyanobacteria in Antarctic lakes: Adaptive responses to high UV flux and global warming. Astrobiology and Planetary Missions 6694 (54), 1-13.
Pinkart, H. C. and Storrie-Lombardi, M. C (2007) Diversity, evolution, and horizontal gene transfer (HGT) in soda lakes. Astrobiology and Planetary Missions 6694 (34), 1-11.
Storrie-Lombardi, M. C. Post-Bayesian strategies to optimize astrobiology instrument suites: lessons from Antarctica and the Pilbara. Astrobiology and Planetary Missions 5906: 288-301, 2005.
Storrie-Lombardi, M. C. and Hoover, R. B. Probabilistic geobiological classification using elemental abundance distributions and lossless image compression in fossils, meteorites, and microorganisms. Astrobiology and Planetary Missions 5906: 183-196, 2005.
Mormile, M. R. and Storrie-Lombardi, M.C. The use of ultraviolet excitation of native fluorescence for identifying biomarkers in halite crystals. Astrobiology and Planetary Missions 5906: 246-253, 2005.
Storrie-Lombardi, M. C., A. J. Brown, and M. R. Walter, Remote and In Situ Detection of Aqueous and Biotic Alteration: Cyanobacteria in Archean and Modern Australia. Instruments, Methods and Missions for Astrobiology VII 5555, 270-280 2004.
Storrie-Lombardi, M. C. and Hoover, R. B. Fossil Signatures Using Structural and Chemical Information: Complexity Image Analysis, Elemental Abundance Distributions, and Bayesian Probabilistic Classification. Instruments, Methods and Missions for Astrobiology VII 5555, 18-30, 2004.
McDonald, G. D. and Storrie-Lombardi, M. C. The astronomer's pocket guide to astrobiology. Organization and Strategies in Astronomy 4, 27-36, 2003.
Storrie-Lombardi, M.C., Tsapin, A.I., Mcdonald, G.D., Coleman, M.L. and Meadows, V.S. (2002) Photosynthetic constraints on the habitable zone. Bioastronomy 2002: Life Among the Stars, 213: 309-314, Hamilton Island, Australia, Astronomical Society of the Pacific.
Borchert, M.S., Storrie-Lombardi, M.C. and Lambert, J.L. (1999) A noninvasive glucose monitor: preliminary results in rabbits. Diabetes Technol. Ther. 1(2): 145-151.
Storrie-Lombardi, M.C., Lambert, L.J., Borchert, M.S., Kimura, A., Roseto, J. and Bing, J. (1998) Measuring aqueous humor glucose across physiological levels: NIR Raman spectroscopy, multivariate analysis, artificial neural networks, and Bayesian probabilities. International Conference on Environmental Systems, pp 146-151, Davers, MA, U.S.A., SAE.
Storrie-Lombardi, M.C. (1997) Raman databases, Bayesian pattern matching, and nonlinear artificial neural networks. JPL/Caltech In Situ Workshop Series: Raman Spectroscopy 2: 9-10.
Storrie-Lombardi, M.C., Sattler, B., Muller, J.-P., Fisk, M.R., Cousins, C. and Dartnell, L.R. (2009) Laser induced fluorescence imaging: Searching for organics from the dry valleys of Queen Maud Land Antarctica to the regolith and ices of Mars. Geophys. Res. Abs. 11: EGU2009-0.
Tinetti, G., Snively, H., Fong, W. T., Meadows, V., Crisp, D., and Storrie-Lombardi, M. Disk-averaged synthetic spectra of Mars. Astrobiology Vol. 2, Num. 4, 629, 2003.
Corsetti, F. A., Storrie-Lombardi, M. C., and, Souza-Egipsy, V. Stromatolite complexity as a biosignature. Astrobiology Vol. 2, Num. 4, 629-630, 2003.
Storrie-Lombardi, M., Crisp, D., and Meadows, V. Biosignatures in visible and infrared planetary spectra. Astrobiology Vol. 2, Num. 4, 53-4, 2003.
Czaja, A. D., Schopf, J. W., Storrie-Lombardi, M. C., and Cody, G. Multi-spectrum analysis of geochemical alteration through natural and artificial fossilization. Astrobiology Vol. 2, Num. 4, 622-623, 2003.
Storrie-Lombardi, M. C., Grigolini, P., Galatolo, S., Tinetti, G., Ignaccolo, M., Allegrini, P., and Corsetti, F. A. Advanced techniques in complexity analysis for the detection of biosignatures in ancient and modern stromatolites. Astrobiology Vol. 2, Num. 4, 630-631 (2003).
Storrie-Lombardi, M. C., Fisk, M. R., Douglas, S., McDonald, G. D., Popa, R., Bhartia, R., and Tsapin, A. I. Multiprobe life detection in Hawaiian sub-ocean deep igneous cores. in Proceedings Second Astrobiology Science Conference, NASA Ames Research Center, April 7-11, 2002, p30.
Czaja, A. D., Schopf, J. W., Storrie-Lombardi, M. C., Kudryavtsev, A. B., and Bhartia, R. Laser Raman spectroscopic analysis of biochemical changes caused by fossilization. in Proceedings Second Astrobiology Science Conference, NASA Ames Research Center, April 7-11, 2002, p160.
Fisk, M. R., Storrie-Lombardi, M. C., Douglas, S., and Popa, R. "Microorganisms from a depth of 1350 m in Hawaii," Eos Trans. AGU, 82(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract B22D-0179,2001.
Storrie-Lombardi, M. C., Sun, H., Douglas, S., McDonald, G. D., Bhartia, R., and Nealson, K. H. Investigation Of Antarctic cryptoendolithic communities by ultraviolet laserinduced native fluorescence imaging (PDF) Am Soc Microbio General Meeting, 2001.
Storrie-Lombardi, M. C., Hug, W. F., McDonald, G. D., Tsapin, A. I., Venkateswara, K., Bhartia, R. and Nealson, K. H. Multi-wavelength UV Raman spectroscopy and fluorescence imaging for in situ exploration, planetary protection, and astronaut safety. NASA-Ames First Annual Astrobiology Workshop, Moffett Field, California, April 4-6, 2000.
Storrie-Lombardi M. C., Tsapin A. I., McDonald G. D., Sun H., and Nealson K. H. Ultraviolet Raman spectroscopy for in situ geobiological exploration of Mars Abstr Pap Am Chem Soc 217(1): U844, 1999.
Storrie-Lombardi, M. C., Tsapin, A. I., McDonald, G. D., Sun, H., and Nealson, K. Search for life: Biosignatures using UV Raman spectroscopyAstrobiology Roadmap Workshop, July 20-22, NASA ARC, 1998.
Storrie-Lombardi, M. C. Raman databases, Bayesian pattern matching, and nonlinear artificial neural networks, JPL/Caltech In Situ Workshop on Raman Spectroscopy, p9-10, 1997.